Hogyan legyünk kreatívak?

Ebből a kis videóból minden kiderül, hogy hogyan érdemes élni és mit kell tenni, ahhoz hogy kreatívak legyünk. Vagy ilyesmi. 29 pontban összefoglalva.


Érdemes megfogadni mindenkinek:
4. Stay away from computer
14. Don't give up.
20. Take risks.

"Have you ever heard the phrase...“if you aren't moving forward you are going backward"? Have you ever decided you were just too busy to clean the dishes, and then made that decision again the next day and then next? A mess piles up. Have you ever had a day where you might sit inside, somewhat tired and think the world is passing by?
In each of these cases, you choose not to create. Your decision yields to entropy, where systems naturally decay and lose organization. Entropy is a powerful force. The further the entropic force is left to decay, the harder it is to bring things back to where they were and it's ever more difficult to improve the situation or system. The situation feels bleak in a hurry.

Design Ideas at: http://design.org/blog/why-we-create#ixzz1P5acSOFs "

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